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Lil' Polar


X11 Mouse Theme

Score 69%
Lil' Polar

Downloads:  12946
Submitted:  Nov 18 2005


This is a smaller version of Eric Matthews's outstanding Polar Cursor Theme, at:

All i've done is made the images smaller, and adjusted the config files accordingly. If something doesn't work here, but works in the big version of Polar, contact me. If it is broken in both, contact Eric Matthews - it's his theme, I'm just making a few images smaller.

The cursors that are circled in the screenshot are included as png files and their hotSpots are listed in the spreadsheet, however they are not used.

Have fun!


0.1.2: First release, based on Polar 1.2

(source + compiled)
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Other  Artwork  from benplaut
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 GNOME feeling

 by zvonSully on: Dec 17 2005
Score 50%

Hate GNOME feeling

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 by sektion31 on: Dec 20 2005
Score 50%

Hi I like this theme. But not all of your coursors are displayed on my box.
When I resize windows, or hove over an Desktop icon, I get the standard x11 coursor. :(

Probably something is wrong with my config, but I don't know what that could be.
Any ideas?


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 Re: Hi

 by benplaut on: Dec 22 2005
Score 50%

try copying the theme folder to ~/.icons, then renaming the folder to 'default'

If that doesn't work, copy the 'default' folder to /usr/share/icons (Note: this will change the system-default theme).


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 Re: Re: Hi

 by sektion31 on: Dec 31 2005
Score 50%

Great! Renaming the theme from polar to default in ~/.icons did the trick.


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 xlnt 4 eee

 by veebis on: Dec 30 2007
Score 50%

I just installed on my asus eee...
You, sir, have created the PERFECT cursor theme for this little machine... Thanks!

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 by lpkizz on: Feb 12 2008
Score 50%

it's really cool man i'm looking for a black one but this should do till thin

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 by chepaz on: May 9 2009
Score 50%

Really cool!

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