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An Xfce Christmas


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 60%
An Xfce Christmas

An Xfce Christmas

An Xfce Christmas

Downloads:  2693
Submitted:  Nov 23 2011
Updated:  Nov 23 2011


This is a series of GTK, Xfwm, and icon themes I created to help you get into the Christmas spirit. The contents are as follows:

* There are 5 GTK themes, 3 of which are shown in the first screenshot. All of these contain red and/or a shade of green that I refer to as "Christmas green" to make your desktop look festive.

* There are 2 Xfwm themes, both based on the Kokodi theme that comes with Xfce, with the minimize, maximize, and close buttons replaced either by Christmas lights or Christmas tree ornaments.

* There are 4 icon themes with your choice of green, white, gold, or red folders. These icon themes are based on a combination of the Simple icon theme, the Oxygen-Refit series of icon themes, some Christmas clipart I found online that was released under the GPL (I made sure of that first for legal reasons), and my own ideas to give them that Christmas touch.

* I have also included a link to two Emerald themes I have created for this as well on Beryl-Themes.org, available with Christmas lights or Christmas ornaments for minimize, maximize, and close buttons. For something extra special to make your Windows- or Mac-using friends jealous, add the Compiz falling snow plugin for that extra-special Christmas touch. Or, if for some reason you can't (or won't) do Compiz, there's also xsnow as an alternate snowfall effect, too.

Merry Christmas!

PS -- there is no included wallpaper with this series of themes, as there are already a plethora of Christmas wallpapers out there to choose from, both on the OpenDesktop.org family of websites as well as elsewhere on the web.

PPS -- there is also an Xfce menu icon of the Xfce mouse and the light blue "X" with him wearing a Santa cap.

(GTK & Xfwm Themes)
(Christmas Icons w/ Green Folders)
(Christmas Icons w/ White Folders)
(Christmas Icons w/ Gold Folders)
(Christmas Icons w/ Red Folders)
(A Compiz Christmas (Beryl themes))
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 by Polesz on: Nov 23 2011
Score 63%
Nedudu Team

Nice theme :-)

Peter Polonkai

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 does this gtk-theme work with gtk3??

 by Karmicbastler on: Nov 24 2011
Score 50%

hi dear,

I would like to know, if this theme also works with Gnome3/gtk3??


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 Re: does this gtk-theme work with gtk3??

 by Karmicbastler on: Nov 24 2011
Score 50%

hi dear,

I found, that these themes are only gtk2-themes. Could you please be so kind, to port them to gtk3 please??

Thanks a lot.


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 Re: Re: does this gtk-theme work with gtk3??

 by fredbird67 on: Nov 25 2011
Score 50%

The problem is, I have no way to test GTK3 themes. I'm running CrunchBang Statler Xfce Edition, which is based on Debian Stable, and I prefer to keep it that way because even though the software is usually a version or two behind, I know that it's been thoroughly tested, and I don't think there are any GTK3 apps in the Stable repos yet and probably won't be until...I would guess probably the middle of next year. In fact, as far as Xfce itself goes, Debian Stable is still on Xfce version 4.6, and I'm not really in any hurry to upgrade. For me, stable is good.

But of course, if someone else wants to port these themes to GTK3, be my guest. :-)

I do have one question, however, and if someone could shed some light on this for me, I'd appreciate it. In looking at GNOME-Look, under the "icons" category, even after the introduction of GTK3, there are still only two subcategories under that, icons and icon themes, with no extra subcategory under that for icon themes for GTK3. Therefore, I'm going to assume here that all previously-released icon themes work equally well in either GTK2 or GTK3. Would I be correct in my assumption?

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 by worldismine on: Nov 24 2011
Score 50%

It is a very nice atmosphere of Christmas!
and Conversion candidates is very easy to see.
but If there is something unfortunate that one,
Tab completion is inconvenient when there are spaces in the filename.

thanks for very Wonderful themes!

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 Re: Wonderful!but

 by fredbird67 on: Nov 25 2011
Score 50%

I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here. Are you referring to file or folder name completion when using the command line? If you are,I just tried that and it worked just fine.

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 How does one

 by historyb on: Dec 14 2011
Score 50%
Wilson Computer Co.

install Xfwm Christmas Lights?

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 Re: How does one

 by fredbird67 on: Dec 15 2011
Score 50%

The same as you would any other GTK or Xfwm theme. The "lights" part refers to how the close, minimize, and maximize buttons are in the form of colored Christmas lights. Does this answer your question?

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