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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 71%


Downloads:  10005
Submitted:  Mar 8 2011
Updated:  Jul 17 2013


This theme has been superseded by cyan, which is quite similar but more clean, please check it out: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/cyan?content=159717

A dark theme, inspired by Tron Legacy (and some really old GUI\'s).

It comes in cyan and red, GTK+ only, since I'm using wmii now.

Display font is Chicago from Apple, but you might use basically any Fixedsys-clone (very similiar) or futuristic font you like.
Since Chicago is from Apple and not really open source or free in any sense (beer AND money) its not included.

Icons are ACYL (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Any+Color+You+Like?content=102435).

Feel free to leave some comments, thanks.

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 Can't find theme?

 by jrodia on: Apr 28 2011
Score 50%

I'm trying to install the theme atm. Enlightenment has been installed, all is working well from that front. I've downloaded the theme and extracted the folders into their respective places (~/.themes and ~/.e16/themes), but when I go to appearance, the theme doesn't appear! I've tried restarting GNOME two or three times to no avail. Any ideas?

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 Re: Can't find theme?

 by jrodia on: Apr 29 2011
Score 50%

OK I've figured out the e16 theme placement so that's working fine now. It's the GTK theme I'm having issues with.

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 Re: Re: Can't find theme?

 by decadentgray on: May 1 2011
Score 50%

Needlessly to say things work just fine on my machine...
I'm setting up a different install to track this.
Which distribution do you use, which version of gnome?

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 Re: Re: Re: Can't find theme?

 by jrodia on: May 1 2011
Score 50%

I've figured it out. For some reason copying it to ~/.themes wasn't working. I ended up compressing the cyan-gtk folder into a tar.gz and installing by dragging the .gz to the Appearance window.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Can't find theme?

 by decadentgray on: May 4 2011
Score 50%

In case I did'nt mention it before, but I hate gnome.
Thanks for pointing this out.

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 Awesome theme

 by darkharlequin on: Feb 26 2012
Score 50%

Love this theme. Damn good work and the icon pack works great with it.

Makes my netbook look awesome, and adding screenlets makes it look even better.

Used the monospace font, which comes with Xubuntu and it looks fantastic. Makes my netbook feel like it's ready to go to space....in the future.

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 Re: Awesome theme

 by darkharlequin on: Feb 26 2012
Score 50%

Here's a screenshot


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 Good Theme

 by kbmonkey on: May 13 2012
Score 50%

Very very nice, oooh pretty!

I got an error opening the menu in a a gtk game (dopewars), the error says: http://ompldr.org/vZHFiNg, this can be fixed by changing the menuitem border to { 10, 3, 3, 3 }.

How can I change the selected control to be more visible? So when I tab through controls I can better see which is selected?

Thanks, very nice!

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 Re: Good Theme

 by kbmonkey on: May 13 2012
Score 50%

I have to add that the rulers in GIMP get messed up when you zoom, while using this theme.

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 change color

 by mmirco on: Nov 20 2015
Score 50%

Where (which file) can the color (hex code) (red/cyan) be changed?

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