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Ambiance Refined III


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 52%
Ambiance Refined III

Ambiance Refined III

Ambiance Refined III

Blog:  Link
Downloads:  11914
Submitted:  Oct 15 2010
Updated:  Oct 5 2011


This is a combination of the latest Ambiance theme in Ubuntu 10.10 and my Ambiance Refined II theme. You will need to install the latest Murrine GTK engine.

Latest Murrine GTK engine: run these 2 commands in the terminal!

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:murrine-daily/ppa

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine

Faenza icons.

My blog post on this theme.


Oct 18, 2010: I've just added a version that displays the close,maximize,minimize buttons on the right side. Also the app icon is also displayed on the left now.

Oct 25, 2010: Added another version that doesn’t have the line seperating the title bar from the file menu. This one is a little more like Ambianced Refined II.

Dec 15 2010: Just some code clean up.

LicenseArtistic 2.0
(Ambiance Refined III)
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Other  Artwork  from LordPickle
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 Thank you!

 by Gargintua on: Oct 16 2010
Score 58%

Thank you so much, this theme rocks so hard! it is easily my faveroute theme keep up the good work! (and nice blog by the way :) )

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 by terminhell on: Oct 20 2010
Score 63%

I don't see any real difference here, or am i missing something?

Crush the weak!
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 Re: Uhm

 by LordPickle on: Oct 20 2010
Score 50%

Sorry, I forgot to put in the change log that I was just changing the hosting of the theme file.

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 Re: Re: Uhm

 by Tipiaf on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

why don't you just use gnome-look for that?

whatever, I vote bad, for two reasons. First, I really don't like it. Then, it's nothing new. It could be great you create a theme instead you modify antoher one. Nothing original here.

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 Not found :(

 by nechus on: Oct 30 2010
Score 63%

Hi. Installed the repo, but I get a message telling me that it was impossible to download packages from it because it was not found.

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 Re: Not found :(

 by LordPickle on: Nov 1 2010
Score 38%

Hey, not sure why it would do that. I would say try again later maybe the server was down.

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 by Cvetan on: Jun 14 2011
Score 63%

Hey guys. I have a problem with this theme. I am using Ubuntu 10.04. I installed the murrine engine and theme, everything went fine. But when i change the the to this one it only changes the window borders, and controls are very ugly and are not changed to this orange ones from the theme like on the screenshot. I checked in apperance, controls are set to AmbianceRefined. Anyone know the reason? Thanks in advance. Greets! :D

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 by aWesome on: Oct 5 2011
Score 50%


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