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Amiga Ubuntunized


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 58%
Amiga Ubuntunized

Amiga Ubuntunized

Amiga Ubuntunized

Blog:  http://www.qkiz.pl
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  3377
Submitted:  Feb 11 2010
Updated:  Aug 23 2012


It is not a perfect copy of the AmigaOS4 GUI. This is only a GTK theme inspired by the look of the Amiga system. To reorganize the metacity gadgets I use Ubuntu Tweak in the latest version.

Some bugs: Evolution does not look like it should.


0.5.5 - fixed one png file and changed licencing to GPL
0.5.4 - changed metacity theme
0.5.3 - changed button and scale highlight color
0.5.2 - public release
0.5.1 - metacity theme added
0.5 - beta status
0.2 - selected engine (aurora)
0.1.1 - changed name of the theme
0.1 - first version (without engine)

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 by untouchable89 on: Feb 11 2010
Score 50%

Hi, good theme. you can try this icons:



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 Re: Good

 by QkiZ on: Feb 12 2010
Score 50%

Thanks for reply. Kens icons are really good.

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 Good theme but ...

 by hybrid512 on: Jan 19 2011
Score 50%

just a few comments on your theme which is very nice by the way :
  • you should remove the windows button menu and move the close button on the left side so that it really looks like the original Amiga style

  • please, remove the brushed steel background, this is really too "oldschool" and even on default Amiga OS4 style, you don't have it, just a light grey solid backround, this is far better

  • the menu bar is too "bumpy", you should use a lighter gradient

  • windows sliders and scroll buttons are wrong, here are some screenshots http://amigakit.leamancomputing.com/catalog/images/os4_classic_4.jpg or http://www.sguidetti.net/foto_temp/autoscaling.jpg

  • Good work anyway, hope you'll enhance it a bit further to be nearly perfect ;)

    Reply to this


     Re: Good theme but ...

     by QkiZ on: Jan 19 2011
    Score 50%

    Everything in theme is dependent on engine. Appearance of sliders and scroll buttons is that they are defined in the engine. Maybe another gtk engine would be better for this theme. Do you have any idea which gtk engine?

    Reply to this


     Re: Re: Good theme but ...

     by nutellajunkie on: Apr 8 2011
    Score 63%
    nutellajunkienutellajunki e
    n00bsonubunt u.net

    I notice they are far too impulsive with the "criticism", but aren’t too speedy at replying to theirs.

    Anyone that knows the theme knows this is as close as you will get considering the engines you get to work with.

    I for one, use this theme 90% of the time. Its beautifully authentic.

    Reply to this


     Re: Re: Re: Good theme but ...

     by QkiZ on: Apr 10 2011
    Score 50%

    Thanks. I have lack of time to improve this theme. Maybe I start working with the theme after installing Gnome 3 or Unity.

    Reply to this



     by nutellajunkie on: Jul 4 2011
    Score 50%
    nutellajunkienutellajunki e
    n00bsonubunt u.net

    which engine is this actually running on?

    Reply to this


     Re: engine

     by QkiZ on: Jul 7 2011
    Score 50%

    Its aurora engine.

    Reply to this


     Great job!

     by apr64 on: May 21 2012
    Score 50%

    I don't like people who criticize other's work. I think it's great. I know how difficult and time-consuming it is. I come from the Amiga side. However I would like to see a good Amiga theme for Gmome3. Meanwhile, cheers! Keep up the good work!

    Reply to this



     by decadentgray on: Aug 23 2012
    Score 50%

    I'm currently working on something similuar, and your theme is cool.
    My Tip: do as much as you can with your choosen engine, and use pixbuff for the rest (a little impact in performance, but still better as using only pixbuff).

    Reply to this


     Re: Engine

     by QkiZ on: Aug 23 2012
    Score 50%

    Now I'm using KDE because I dislike Gnome 3. I dont have plan to update this stuff. Feel free to modify this theme.

    Reply to this


     Re: Re: Engine

     by decadentgray on: Aug 27 2012
    Score 50%

    Thank you, but my theme is already done:


    But I understand you, Gnome3 is ... lets say no good road to follow, I'm currently using wmfs.

    Regards, Daniel

    Reply to this


     Re: Re: Re: Engine

     by QkiZ on: Aug 28 2012
    Score 50%

    Looks nice

    Reply to this

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