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X11 Mouse Theme

Score 83%


Downloads:  39914
Submitted:  Sep 2 2009
Updated:  Dec 14 2015


- fixed col-resize and row-resize aliases

- fixed a few aliases

- Fire themes
- ownership of all files in the archives set to root:root

- slightly different colour for Ice themes' emblems
- a few aliases fixed

- black themes have weaker shadows (the same as white themes)
- more consistent aliases

- slim variants of all themes added
- cursors are built with icon-slicer, all sources are reorganised into appropriate format
- changes from 1.1.4 reverted for normal variants
- cursor names/aliases revised
- {up, down, right, left}_arrow have longer tails

[see ChangeLog file for older changes]

(all versions + source)
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 a little bit small size

 by zigzed4wilbur on: Apr 14 2010
Score 63%

I like the clean design. Would you mind make a little bit small one for small screen.


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 Re: a little bit small size

 by ducakar on: Apr 14 2010
Score 50%

Currently I don't have time, nor I find them too big. Those cursors are smaller than in most of the other themes.
The second reason is that the theme has been designed in raster format, most of the pixels are carefully positioned, so scaling it manually is out of the question and just resizing the images would probably make them look ugly.

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 Re: Re: a little bit small size

 by brainvision on: Jun 9 2010
Score 63%

I like openzone very very much, white or black they are very very attractive!
but I also think, like zigzed4wilbu that it will be fantastic if you could make the cursorsjust a lit bit smaller!

ok, that's all!
thank you very much for sharing openzone!

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 Re: Re: Re: a little bit small size

 by ducakar on: May 27 2011
Score 63%

I've added slim variants for all those who were asking for a little smaller cursors.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: a little bit small size

 by brainvision on: May 28 2011
Score 70%

so thanks very much for your effort into finding time to edit your themes: I'm going to try it as soon as I can, that's for sure!!

thank you again!! :D :D

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 by brainvision on: Jun 11 2011
Score 70%

Thank you very much for your work!

I had the time to try it and I cannot stop using it: now it's time to download the 1.2.2 version!!

Thanks again,
hope you will go on with it!

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 left handed

 by kerenskyy on: Oct 27 2011
Score 63%
Not a member of any company or proj

Hi, very attractive mouse theme you made.
Any chance of a left-handed version or instructions on how to make lefty one from the sources?

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 Best cursor theme

 by zonsaja on: Jan 17 2013
Score 70%

Just wanted to let you know, I've been using OpenZone for years! Thanks a lot for your work.

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 by molecule-eye on: Jan 13 2016
Score 50%

These are nice, especially since the default Breeze (black) cursor is not dark enough!

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