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Windows Vista Theme


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 56%
Windows Vista Theme

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  9610
Submitted:  Mar 14 2009
Updated:  Mar 14 2009


Windows Vista Theme is a revisitation of my previous theme:
Glass Theme (Windows Vista Inspired)


Unpack the theme into /home/your_username/.themes (if you don't have it, just create it (press CTRL+h to show .name files))
I fixed the original unchangeble-color setting so you are now able to change them.
If you experience problems of visualization of the theme just change the background colors (text, background, selection) in System>Preferences>Appereance>Colors.
For a correct visualization of the theme you MUST have this theme installed to work:

To install the transparent panel:
Right click on the panel(s)> Settings> Second Tab (background)> Background image> Select the "panel-bg-black-26" image in:

It's possible that in Jaunty the theme won't be recognized the first time, so you have to customize it from:
to set it to it's default settings:
First tab: Vista
Second tab: colors you wish, remeber that the first row has to be "white, white, color you wish".
Third tab: Vista

If you want them:
Gnomenu theme (you have to install it first, from launchpad):

It works fine with my (Mheltin CC) vista icon theme:

(Windows Vista Theme)
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 Which theme engine?

 by cmost on: Mar 14 2009
Score 50%
PCWorks, Inc.

Which theme engine does this require? It looks like old clunky Windows 95 on my Debian amd64 system!!

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+
4096 MB DDR 400MHz RAM
nVidia GeForce 9400 GT w 512 MB DDR2
Parsix Linux (built from Debian Testing)

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 Re: Which theme engine?

 by SpecKtacle on: Mar 15 2009
Score 50%

From the way the screenshot looks, I'd say try installing the pixbuf engine.

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 Re: Which theme engine?

 by TheWiseDj on: Mar 15 2009
Score 50%

I have written it in the description...
"For a correct visualization of the theme you MUST have this theme installed to work:

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 Re: Re: Which theme engine?

 by cmost on: Mar 15 2009
Score 50%
PCWorks, Inc.

I did see that and I do have the Ubuntulooks engine installed but your theme still does not display correctly on my system.

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+
4096 MB DDR 400MHz RAM
nVidia GeForce 9400 GT w 512 MB DDR2
Parsix Linux (built from Debian Testing)

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 by TheWiseDj on: Mar 15 2009
Score 50%

Again, 2 lines up:
"If you experience problems of visualization of the theme just change the background colors (text, background, selection) in System>Preferences>Appereance>Colors."
It's a sort of bug, you just need to reselect one color and the theme will fix itself ;)

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 Re: Colors

 by cmost on: Mar 15 2009
Score 50%
PCWorks, Inc.

I did try that (I can read)...unfortunately,no dice dude. Perhaps it's because I'm running Debian Sid and some packages are too new to support this theme.

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+
4096 MB DDR 400MHz RAM
nVidia GeForce 9400 GT w 512 MB DDR2
Parsix Linux (built from Debian Testing)

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 Re: Colors

 by cmost on: Mar 15 2009
Score 50%
PCWorks, Inc.

...and also, let me clarify. It's not the colors, etc. that are screwed up the entire theme seems to not use the engine at all. It's gray, clunky (like GTK 1.0). I do have a newer version of Ubuntulooks engine than the one you linked. This might be the issue, or as I said, perhaps Sid's packages and libraries are too new to support this theme.

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+
4096 MB DDR 400MHz RAM
nVidia GeForce 9400 GT w 512 MB DDR2
Parsix Linux (built from Debian Testing)

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 Re: Re: Colors

 by TheWiseDj on: Mar 15 2009
Score 50%

I know the problem is not about colors, but, in my case, if I correct colors I can have the theme fixed.
If you want you can send me your newer engine, I can try with that.

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 Re: Re: Re: Colors

 by cmost on: Mar 15 2009
Score 50%
PCWorks, Inc.

Actually I fixed it! I reinstalled the theme engine and installed your them to /usr/share/themes. I then applied the theme. This time it displayed as a glossy theme, but some colors were screwed up. I then changed a couple items in the color palette and viola. Fixed! Great theme. Thanks for your help! Have you done any work with the Nimbus engine? I think it renders a better facsimile of Vista's look and feel than the Ubuntulooks engine does. Just curious.

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+
4096 MB DDR 400MHz RAM
nVidia GeForce 9400 GT w 512 MB DDR2
Parsix Linux (built from Debian Testing)



 by TheWiseDj on: Mar 15 2009
Score 50%


No works on Nimbu's engine, I'm at the beginning of this kind of works, I'll try ;)

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 Theme integrration ith KDE4

 by Thaidog on: Mar 25 2009
Score 50%

I love your theme but I want to use it in conjunction with the KDE 4.2 desktop. There is an engine called gkt-qt-engine that lets you use different gtk themes for gkt apps inside of kde. I can not get your theme working. Even after I installed the ubuntu-engine rpm (I'm on FC 10) Ant ideas on how to get it to work? It would really complete my KDE look if you could!

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 by stukpixel on: Apr 4 2009
Score 50%

I'm having the same problem, but I have two requests of two different natures

1) Please redo it on a more recent/stable engine- I've had errors much like the person above.

2) Release another theme which just changes the panel to allow for white font and the mouse hovering action, but keeps the rest of ubuntu's human theme.

The first one is just a general request, but the second one is since the only real feature that I liked in this pack was the panel/taskbar.

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 It still looks like Raleigh

 by ShadowKyogre on: Apr 5 2009
Score 50%

Even though I installed the ubuntulooks engine, it still looks like Raleigh...

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