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Xaphire Xfwm4 Pack


Xfce Theme

Score 71%
Xaphire Xfwm4 Pack

Xaphire Xfwm4 Pack

Xaphire Xfwm4 Pack

Downloads:  39045
Submitted:  Sep 4 2008
Updated:  Apr 21 2014


Xaphire Xfwm4 Pack

Contains :

- Xaphire Lava

- Xaphire Gaïa

- Xaphire Aqua

Source (for Xaphire Lava) ported from WindowsBlinds theme created by JJ.Ying visible at:

All credits for the original artwork goes to JJ.Ying the creator.

Re-designed from scratch by me ;)

For all the people who vote without testing the theme, try before judging;)


2014.04.21 v1.2:
*Solved Xorg bug with title and bottom bar (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54168).

2011.08.26 v1.1:
*Add Gaïa and Aqua themes.
*Change name of package

2011.08.20 v1.0:
*Re-designed from scratch with gimp 2.6 under Fedora 14.
*Add light when you press a button.
*Solved a bug with the right corner on small windows.

2008.09.04 v0.1:
*First public release.

All rights reserved from JJ.Ying. If you want to change it, contact JJ.Ying at http://www.jjying.cn/

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 The Best!

 by phillipe on: Aug 26 2011
Score 50%

I liked so much this theme.
What about make a Black, White and/or Gray colors?

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 Re: The Best!

 by Roultabie on: Aug 26 2011
Score 50%

Thank you very much !

I can do it if you want. I'll see that.

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 Re: The Best!

 by Roultabie on: Aug 26 2011
Score 50%

The result is not terrible with black or white.

Grey is better.

I'll upload a grey version on my server this week-end.

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 Re: The Best!

 by Modanung on: Mar 12 2016
Score 50%
LucKey Productions

I extended the pack with prelight images for all themes and a Storm variant: https://wolk.orkz.nl/index.php/s/3hX53nGDMbpUMdS

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 by Speedy624 on: Jan 10 2012
Score 50%

How do i install these in Slackware?

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 Re: Slack

 by Roultabie on: Jan 10 2012
Score 50%



like most distributions.

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 Beautiful but

 by the1tim on: Jan 29 2014
Score 50%
wouldnt like to say

Is there a way i can change the buttons to the left, and the title alignment to the right?

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 Re: Beautiful but

 by Roultabie on: Apr 21 2014
Score 50%

By editing the source in /usr/share/themes ;)

I no longer have the time to work on, sorry.

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 Xaphire Openbox Pack

 by pondogor on: Jul 13 2014
Score 50%

And will be the topic for Openbox? (Xaphire Openbox Pack)

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 can't find

 by SoggyWaffles on: Jul 13 2015
Score 50%

I extracted all three to /usr/share/themes, but none of them show up in the "Appearance" theme chooser list.

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 Re: can't find

 by Modanung on: Mar 12 2016
Score 50%
LucKey Productions

What window manager are you using?

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 Re: Re: can't find

 by Modanung on: Mar 12 2016
Score 50%
LucKey Productions

The folder to put your themes is ~/.themes

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