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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 70%



Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  5241
Submitted:  Dec 2 2009
Updated:  Dec 4 2009


Wave GTK theme is inspired with google wave interface, and this is my take to bring it to GTK. Theme needs pixbuf engine, so make sure you have that installed.Theme comes with two different Metacity theme, default one on screenshot1, and rounded on screenshot2.

Please try the theme before you decide to vote, and I would appreciate constructive criticism , comments and suggestions.



Version 1.0
First, initial release.

Version 1.01
Added one more metacity theme, see 3rd screenshot.

Version 1.1
In this realese version changes are as follows: Metacity theme from 3rd screenhot now is default Metacity theme,to give you guys better experience.Also Inactive window now has different color for easier recognition of active and inactive windows, if text in inactive window is not redable enough, I can change it.Two extra Meatcity theme are in tarball and renamed to WaveClassic, and WaveRounded.Next of the changes are scrollbars, they still have tin style,( I like scrollbars unobtrusive and there when you need them).Now they are more visible with blue color. See first screenshot.

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 by sharkbaitbobby on: Dec 13 2009
Score 50%

Hello, I have modified your (very nice!) theme to have different icons:

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 folder icons

 by n3xtgen on: Dec 14 2009
Score 50%

hello. Love the theme but would also like to folder icons you have. You have a link to where you got them?


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 by sojourner on: Feb 28 2010
Score 50%

Your theme inspired me to create an account and vote. While I was at it, I have submitted a customization of this theme under the name 'wave-repack'.

You are welcome to take a look and use any of the modifications (consider them my own wishlist/bug report).

yours is a well rounded theme and I especially like the scroll bars.

Good job! and Thank you!

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 Re: wave-repack

 by AlexR1 on: Mar 1 2010
Score 50%

Thank you for your vote, and i am glad that you like the theme.I had to compromise on the look of my theme, because of menubar, i want menubar to have different color, as you can see in the screenshots.

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