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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%



Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  16142
Submitted:  Mar 27 2009
Updated:  Sep 4 2010


Hello !

Sugar is sweet, as this theme (hopefully) !

Enough of bad joke, this theme is meant to be very clean and nice. Good for both professional and personal use I think.

It includes a dark menu version you can choose from Controls customization.

It is sensitive to color changes so you can customize it to your liking.
It comes with 5 sets of predefined colors : Blue (Sugar), Gray (SugarGrey), Green (SugarGreen), Orange (SugarOrange) and Brown (SugarUbuntu)

Sets use the great Gion Icon Theme. You can find it here : http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Gi%C3%B8n?content=36944
Ubuntu and Orange sets use the Human Icon Theme ubuntu-mono-dark that comes with Ubuntu.

Feedbacks and bug reports appreciated !!!

Don't forget to vote if you like it.


04/09/2010 Lot of changes here :
- The new metacity is now the default Sugar metacity theme. You can still download the old one (check links).
- New menubar item style
- SugarUbuntu color set changed to match the Ambiance theme in Maverick
- SugarOrange looks more like other color sets
- Checkbox/radio buttons no longer glossy (this fix gimp tools buttons)
- More work on the panel
- Other minor fixes

02/09/2010 Oops Corrected workaround for menus where the text color is used in SugarDarkMenu in v1.2 (I should be more careful with my copy paste next time)

02/09/2010 Added panel gradient.
Minor Fixes and code clean up.
New Metacity : SugarNew try it out
WARNING : if menubar is unreadable in some apps (black text over black background) check the gtkrc near the end of the file.

18/03/2010 Added all color sets in gtkrc file (edit it to choose yours)
Added the whole new smooth separator

17/03/2010 Corrected workaround for menus where the text color is used in SugarDarkMenu in v1.1

17/03/2010 Improved overall look thanks to new options of murrine from git

21/08/2009 Added metacity with centered title

11/05/2009 Corrected workaround for menus where the text color is used in SugarDarkMenu.

10/05/2009 Added 2 color sets (Orange and Gray). Changed metacity buttons. Added dark menu version. Some color tweaks on Ubuntu version. Others Minor tweaks.

31/03/2009 Corrected progressbar text color

29/03/2009 Code cleaning. Corrected some bad behaviors, mostly on panel and notebook.

LicenseArtistic 2.0
(Sugar 1.3)
(Metacity centered)
(Sugar 1.0)
(Old metacity)
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 Small bug

 by donaldbroatch on: Sep 12 2010
Score 50%

A very nice theme- thank you.

I see a small bug in Debian Lenny (with updated GTK and Murrine- so this is probably a tiny user base, but I hope you can help.)

The volume applet slider is virtually invisible, and the preferences menu inconsistent with other applet preference menus- see screenshot.


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 Maverick Ubuntu

 by ticoon on: Sep 14 2010
Score 50%

The theme work good in Karmick Ubuntu, but in Maverick sometime one Window
or the Panel are not themed. Perhaps a bug with Maverick?

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 by oguncak on: Oct 23 2010
Score 50%

hi. i love your work.
Can you make one with light windows and panels?

by the way, when i open a nautilus window, the places pane seems full white and that is annoying. can you fix that as in ambiance theme?

thank you by now.

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