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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 58%



Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  2207
Submitted:  May 4 2012
Updated:  Nov 2 2012


Washed out blues.

Engines; pixmap, mist

Gtk2 theme for: Xfxe4, Gnome2, Mate, Cinnamon, E17, IceWm, OpenBox3, StandAlone Compiz, Fluxbox, etc.,

Engine=Pixmap, Mist

Includes: gtk2 theme, xfwm theme, openbox3 theme, tiled wallpaper

Icons=Faenza http://tiheum.deviantart.com/art/Faenza-Icons-173323228

MouseCursor=KnotVista ported to linux by GrynayS

Font=Roboto, designed by Google for android OS, get
all 16 styles here at:

Wallpapers: looks good with just about anything.

New to themes? create a folder, in your home directory ~/.themes
for example mine is /home/justus/.themes
the dot before themes means it is hidden and linked to /usr/share/themes
Can not find it? go to your file menubar, click View, click Show Hidden
Now, download your chosen theme, right click the downloaded file,
chose extract here, grab the extracted file and drop in your .themes folder.
Then open up your favorite appearance manager and select the newly installed
There are other ways to install themes but this is the best way!
It allows you to control or change parts of the theme without
going to root and possibly doing some harm to your file system.

You may also consider creating a folder called ~/.icons
where you can place downloaded icon themes and mouse cursor themes

And another folder callled ~/.fonts
where you can place downloaded fonts

Want to see more of my themes? Click on, Other Artwork from IamJustUs
across from the download button.

Right click on screenshots and open in new tab, to get a better view.


Screenshots, 1&2 show: Xfce4 desktop with xfce4-panel 4.10.0
Screenshot 3 shows: Openbox3 with xfce4-panel

Changes: November 2, 2012

Added xfwm4

Added openbox3 theme to match.

New button look matches xfwm4 surround, also extra pressed button png
if you want a less traditional pressed button look for your theme.

Changed option button and check button highlight to match button look.

Changed arrow.pngs from 16 to 24 px.

New scrollbar slider, prelight stayed same except lighter contrast on
the 1px surround. Also, darkened the shadow side of scrollbar trough.

Changed toolbutton to match button look.

Thinned down the focus entry .png, added a separate focus
spin entry to match.

Changed the range slider.png to match scrollbar color.

Changed the spin button look to match scrollbar color, increased
width, better function use, resculptered +, - for visual.

New tooltip look, better menu contrast,finally found a way to increase
the space between text and tooltip surround, for a nice uncluttered look.

Changed Xnotify and set to tooltip look.

New panel bg, both horiz and vert.

New panel buttons.

Added a new window bg and set it in gtkrc, adds just a touch of
horiz linear look with a stonewashed look.

Updated panel gtkrc, mostly in panel config for unified panel button-
app look size.

Increased tree arrow size.

Added tiled textured wallpaper.

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Other  Artwork  from IamJustUs
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