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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 38%


Downloads:  3068
Submitted:  Jun 13 2009
Updated:  Jun 19 2009


Inspired by iMetal.


15 June 2009:
-fixed background of panel applets

19 June 2009
-added Emerald theme, as per request...

(Plastic Gtk2 theme, metacity)
(Emerald theme)
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 by schollidesign on: Jun 13 2009
Score 50%

Hi :-)
Can you include more widgets in your theme? At moment I need the indicator-applet and user-switch-applet.


A version without this mac-buttons (because it's not complete) and the panel-size in 22px would be nice, too.

best regards :-)

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 Re: widgets

 by eamon63 on: Jun 13 2009
Score 50%

Can you include more widgets in your theme? At moment I need the indicator-applet and user-switch-applet.

also trying to resolve this panel applet background issue...

A version without this mac-buttons (because it's not complete) and the panel-size in 22px would be nice, too.

am not sure what you mean by 'not complete;. If you are referring to the toolbar buttons (back foeward up refresh etc), just comment out the line in the theme's gtkrc file. just place # before the line include "icons/iconrc"

About panel size, IT IS supposed to be 22px as per my settings for panel icons. The problem lies somewhere in your settings - it's your applet icons which are 24px that forces the panel to expand. I am using Global Menu with panel height set to 22px...

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 Re: Re: widgets

 by schollidesign on: Jun 13 2009
Score 50%

also trying to resolve this panel applet background issue...
<- thx :)

am not sure what you mean by 'not complete.
<- not so important ;) I let it as option out ...

About panel size, IT IS supposed to be 22px as per my settings for panel icons.

<- I noticed it after sending you the message. It's corrected yet. ;)


The next step will be ... How to get my setted Systemfonts back? :D
Will try to hack a little bit the gtkrc-file ... ;)

PD: You are interested in my mod. Metacity-Buttons? I included - + and x, because I think there are many colourblind people out in the world. ;)

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 Re: Re: Re: widgets

 by eamon63 on: Jun 14 2009
Score 50%

get back your system fonts:
comment out (place # before each line) all font references in gtkrc and panel.rc etc. Using text editor, type Lucida in search box...

metacity buttons:
Do anything with it dude. You can even release your own mod...

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 by III on: Jun 15 2009
Score 50%

Hi,Nice theme... would be nice to include .emerald.

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 Re: emerald

 by eamon63 on: Jun 15 2009
Score 50%

thanks brah. a few days for the emerald (somehow my system is not comfortable with it...)

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 thumb up!

 by III on: Jun 19 2009
Score 50%


Doing some good work here, nice so see some windows themers jumping ship...

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 Re: thumb up!

 by eamon63 on: Jun 19 2009
Score 50%

thumbs up to you too mate. very nice ports of mr stephen's themes, particularly Plexis...

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