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Murrine Silk


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 50%
Murrine Silk

Murrine Silk

Murrine Silk

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  726
Submitted:  Apr 26 2009
Updated:  Jun 2 2009


Requires Murrine SVN.

This theme is based on the Cloudscape:

I found Cloudscape cool, but it didn't go well with my own xfwm4 theme, so I decided to modify it... Finally I've done many more changes than primarily intended "just menubar change". I've also improved its look in some applications I use (like Code::Blocks).

Ah - did I mention that I don't like the scrolling-buttons on the scrollbars? I finally managed to get rid of them! (well... almost, but you won't see them)

I am happy with this theme, and I hope you'll like it too :-).


If you are going to vote it bad, please leave a comment why.
I would like to create a good, bug-free theme, but I am unable to test it with every possible application, so your opinion may help me to improve it :-).


2009-06-02: Some minor improvements and the scrolling buttons finally removed using a trick, that works with OpenOffice.

2009-05-22: Changed the panel again - the dark one was not welcome by the users (it caused the rating drop from 53% to 38%, so this apparently must have been the issue)

2009-05-09: Reworked panel style - changed to dark (I hope it works ok with Gnome)

2009-05-01: Changed the menu hilights to lighter colors.

2009-04-27: OpenOffice does not accept scrollbars without steppers, so I had to add them. Also the listbox hilights are more flat (and thus more readable), and tooltip background changed to white.

2009-04-26: License changed to LGPL as the base theme "Cloudscape" is also LGPL.

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Other  Artwork  from DevastatorPC
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 by AlexR1 on: Apr 26 2009
Score 50%

Why is the font and buttons on titlebar so big, do you have problems with your eyes.

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 Re: Titlebar

 by DevastatorPC on: Apr 27 2009
Score 50%

I am the unfortunate user of 15.4" laptop with insanely high, 1680x1050 px resolution, the victim of the advertising specialists... ;)

To be honest - this resolution is cool when using some 3D graphics stuff, but it is painful in everyday use, unless you set the fonts about that big.

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 by i2k on: May 2 2009
Score 50%

It looks a little smoother than Cloudscape.

Good Theme.

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 Re: Nice

 by DevastatorPC on: May 9 2009
Score 50%

Thanks a lot, especially it is from the creator of the original theme :).

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 oh my god...

 by XeiaieX on: May 2 2009
Score 50%

no disrespect to anyone or the creator here, but this looks horrid in my opinion.

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 Re: oh my god...

 by DevastatorPC on: May 2 2009
Score 50%

Thanks for your opinion.
Unfortunately I cannot satisfy everyone - some prefer "glossy" look, while others like the "flat" and minimalistic ones.

This one is definitely the "glossy" one, but I tried to keep it readable :-).

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 Re: Re: oh my god...

 by XeiaieX on: May 2 2009
Score 50%

haha ya. i do prefer the small, and flat look.

this is a screenshot of my current desktop:


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 Re: Re: Re: oh my god...

 by Lindstrom on: May 22 2009
Score 50%

THAT is disgusting!
just look at the black border that just stops at the window frame. no gradient, nothing...

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: oh my god...

 by XeiaieX on: May 22 2009
Score 50%

Lol, you're fucking stupid.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: oh my god...

 by DevastatorPC on: May 23 2009
Score 50%

Please stop fighting guys :)

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 yor nicemurrine-silk Theme

 by Karmicbastler on: Sep 5 2010
Score 50%

hi Dear,
I just have one question referring to this theme.

I found the same thing here with this nice window-border: http://linux.softpedia.com/progScreenshots/Murrine-Silk-Screenshot-47414.html

Can anybody tell me, which Windowborder this is?? I am looking for it everywhere.

Where can I find this nice Windowborder??

Greetings and Thanks in advance,

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 Re: yor nicemurrine-silk Theme

 by DevastatorPC on: Sep 7 2010
Score 50%

This is my own theme for XFWM4 window manager, which is part of XFCE4 desktop environment. There is no port of it to other WM as far as I know.

You can find it there:

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