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Merry Slickmas (Slickness 4 Christmas)


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 66%
Merry Slickmas (Slickness 4 Christmas)

Merry Slickmas (Slickness 4 Christmas)

Merry Slickmas (Slickness 4 Christmas)

Downloads:  1516
Submitted:  Nov 24 2009


Get into the Christmas spirit by making your desktop look festive with any of the three \"Merry Slickmas\" themes I\'ve presented here. These themes are all red-and-green variations on TheRob\'s famous \"Slickness\" theme that will make your desktop look festive.

The icon theme I recommend with these themes is \"Christmas Remix\", which can be found at http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Christmas+Remix?content=115985

If you like to use the Main Menu, GnoMenu, or the Mint Menu as your menu, I\'ve also included customized launcher buttons as well. The emblem on them can be a Christmas ornament, the star over Bethelehem, or a candy cane. They also say \"Merry Christmas!\" in English, Spanish, French, German, or Italian.

Please let me know what you think of these themes. Enjoy, Merry Christmas, and Happy 2010! :-)

PS -- the file is a 7z file, as that was the first archival file format I tried that came in at less than the 750MB limit here on GNOME-Look.

(Merry Slickmas)
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 Merry Slickmas

 by Karmicbastler on: Nov 24 2009
Score 50%

Nice Theme. I'll try it and give feedback.

Thanks. Nice artwork


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 your Merry Slicckmas-Themes

 by Karmicbastler on: Nov 24 2009
Score 50%

First let me say: I love your theme very much. For Installation it is necessary to unpack the 7zip-package, then go to the folder. There are three more folders with the themes. You need to put a copy of each folder to your desktop, compress each one and then drop into the Themes-Window. Also the icons are very lovely!!

But now I have one last question: how to install the start-orb?? It looks nice, but I don't know how to install them. Please give me a short help in this point.


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 Re: your Merry Slicckmas-Themes

 by fredbird67 on: Nov 24 2009
Score 50%

In order to install the custom menu launchers in GNOME, this involves using the GNOME Configuration Editor. To start that up, you'll need to open a terminal and type "gconf-editor" (minus the quotes, of course).

In the left pane of the GNOME Configuration Editor, you'll see its directory tree. In there, you'll need to select "apps -> panel -> objects -> object_#" The pound sign will actually be replaced by a single-digit number, but what you need to look for in each of those objects is whichever one in the right panel has an object_type of "menu-object".

Once you've found the correct object, scroll down in the right pane and make sure that "use_custom_icon" is checked. Then, you scroll up and look for an entry named "custom_icon". Here, you will need to right-click on it and select "Edit Key...". In the "Value" field, you type in the FULL PATH to the custom icon you wish to use. Here, since you don't have the convenience of a "Browse..." button, you will need to make sure that you have entered the full path to the custom icon you wish to use EXACTLY.

Xfce users and Linux Mint users using the default Mint Menu, on the other hand, have this easy, as they can simply right-click on the launcher and edit it from there. I will agree that it would be nice if GNOME did this on their main menu, but instead, they insist on making you jump through a bunch of hoops just to do this task, which I will definitely agree should be much simpler than what it is.

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 by untouchable89 on: Nov 24 2009
Score 50%

Ho ho ho! Merry slickmas! nice theme dude!

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 your beautyful icons

 by Karmicbastler on: Nov 25 2009
Score 50%

Thank you for your instruction.

Now I want to know, if there will also be gold or silvery icons for this theme?
Why i aks for such colors? I have several nice Wallpapers, where gold or silver icons would fit very good to. And I am searching for nice Christmas Icons in gold or silver.

And could you please add such Christmas-Icons even for Apps like Firefox, Opera and Thunderbird please?


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 Re: your beautyful icons

 by fredbird67 on: Nov 25 2009
Score 50%

Well, I didn't really have any plans to make gold or silver icons, plus I don't consider myself to be the world's best artist or anything. I might do it if I can find the time to do so, but I'm not making any promises, as doing an icon theme is pretty time-consuming.

As for the Firefox, Thunderbird, and Evolution icons, the icon theme that Christmas Remix is based on actually had different icons for those, but I prefer the original icons for those apps. I could, of course, see if I could apply Christmas-y colors to the icons for those in the red Remix icons, of course...

However, I've got turkey to pig out on tomorrow and family to shop for for Christmas, just like everyone else. I might see if I can squeeze in time for a gold icon theme if I can make it look shiny, but I'll tell ya right now it's not likely due to how time-consuming it is to create an icon theme. If nothing else, it's something I might tackle for next year...

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 Merry Xmas

 by cb2k on: Nov 25 2009
Score 50%

Great Job Fred I like it :)

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 by xpistos on: Dec 17 2009
Score 50%

I have been waiting for a good Christmas theme for linux for three years! THANK YOU! It is subtle but very christmasy!

Rest assured, I am going to be using this theme as long as I can.

Thanks again!

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