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Glass Theme (Windows Vista Inspired)


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 44%
Glass Theme (Windows Vista Inspired)

Glass Theme (Windows Vista Inspired)

Glass Theme (Windows Vista Inspired)

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  10608
Submitted:  Feb 12 2009
Updated:  Mar 13 2009


Windows Vista Theme (MidnightBlackPlastic Revisited)
Unpack the theme into /home/your_username/.themes (if you don't have it, just create it (press CTRL+h to show .name files))
I fixed the original unchangeble-color setting so you are now able to change them.
If you experience problems of visualization of the theme just change the background colors (text, background, selection) in System>Preferences>Appereance>Colors.
For a correct visualization of the theme you MUST have this theme installed to work:

It's possible that in Jaunty the theme won't be recognized the first time, so you have to customize it from:
to set it to it's default settings:
First tab: MidnightBlackPlastic
Second tab: colors you wish, remeber that the first row has to be "white, white, color you wish".
Third tab: MidnightBlackPlastic

If you want them:
Gnomenu theme (you have to install it first, from launchpad):

It works fine with my (Mheltin CC) vista icon theme:


Version 2.00-------------------
- Removed the blueish panel under the upper window border.
- Now buttons and scrolls are Aero Glass Like.
- Inverted "Pression" and "Prelight" Button and Scroll Stages. (This makes the buttons/scrolls more animated)
- Text colors fixed.

Version 2.01-------------------
- Changed progress bars (as in screenshot 1).

Version 2.02-------------------
- Fixed Progress bars
- Added color graduated bar in progress bars and sliders
- Sliders with a central transparent
window to see the current position

Version 3.00-------------------
Changes on metacity:
- Rounded angles
- Changed main colors to grey/white
- Vista like buttons
- Menu borders are now white/grey
- Unfocused windows are now more transparent

Version 3.01-------------------
- Now the panel buttons are like the others (animation on hovering)
- Panel can now be resized as you desire (but actually I suggest to keep 30 Pixels the same)

Version 4.00-------------------
- Fixed panel buttons
- Now all buttons have 2 different animated stages: hovering = compression and light behind, pression = another compression and less light
- Scrolls and pregress bars are now transparent
- Fixed metacity buttons posion (now are vista like)
- Changed Checkbox buttons and frames
- Tabs are now transparent

(Glass Theme (Windows Vista Inspired))
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 by Tuxomx on: Feb 13 2009
Score 50%

Hi. I think it looks nice, but has elements from someone's copyrighted work. I don't like how some things get patented or copyrighted, but in fact this theme is in contravention of the GPL spirit. We do not like when some closed source companies take GPL code and sell the product, therefore we shoudn't do the same.


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 by TheWiseDj on: Feb 13 2009
Score 50%

In my description I clearly highlighted that this is a MIDNIGHTBLACKPLASTIC theme revisitation.
Taken from here:

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 Re: Copy?

 by Tuxomx on: Feb 13 2009
Score 50%

I see a windows logo there.

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 Windows Logo?

 by TheWiseDj on: Feb 13 2009
Score 50%

You meant the GNOMENU!
It's not part of the theme, you can add it if you want. ^^

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 Re: Windows Logo?

 by Tuxomx on: Feb 14 2009
Score 50%

Oh!, I apologize, therefore I have to go and annoy the author of that theme!


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 by TheWiseDj on: Feb 14 2009
Score 50%

I don't think that's an abuse, GNOMENU for example uses vista's and xp's logo, and, moreover, the vista logo I've placed in the theme is from a deviantart work (see the icon set I've uploaded).
So, don't worry ;)

- Alex -

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 Re: Why?

 by Tuxomx on: Mar 11 2009
Score 50%

After all, I see you are no longer using that windows logo.




 by kai100 on: Feb 19 2009
Score 50%

the update is very nice!!!

i like it :)

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 Thanks ;)

 by TheWiseDj on: Feb 19 2009
Score 50%

Thanks mate!
I'm glad the update pleases you ;)

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 by TheWiseDj on: Mar 11 2009
Score 50%

@ Alvaro

How many times I have to explain that the theme DOESN'T include ANY LOGO?
It was the iconset!
And the iconset was made with deviantart icons =)

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 I'm new to Linux Mint, how to install Ubuntulooks

 by Ashearon on: Feb 29 2012
Score 50%
Galactic Federation

The theme works and it the best I've ever come across especailly the control bar...

using linux mint 9, isadora, when I switch off it forget the theme and I have to set it up from scatch each time, hmm v annoying, it also says I dont have ubuntulooks install...

how do I so this in simple language, is it a terminal job, very confused. great theme thanks.


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 How to Install Ubuntulooks?

 by Ashearon on: Feb 29 2012
Score 50%
Galactic Federation

I'm new to Linux, running Linux Mint 9, how do I install ubuntu looks, step by step, where are the folders I need to install it in, or is it a terminal job?

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