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Elementary Refresh


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 56%
Leading EDJE
Elementary Refresh

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  1825
Submitted:  May 23 2010
Updated:  May 23 2010


DanRabbit's 1.1 release of the Elementary GTK theme "refreshed" with some enhancements.


- No more handle on the notification area applet.
- Indicator applet icons are less wide.
- Default window button layout in theme is close,minimize,maximize:menu as it is meant to be.
- Tooltips are white text on translucent black ala Ambiance.
- Terminal is themed with white text on a black translucent background to be consistent with tooltips and other elementary elements.
- Removed thick grey borders from around nautilus file view.
- Default cursor theme set to DMZ-Black due to better contrast with and fit into the rest of the theme.

Theme depends on the Elementary icon set. To get it, go to Icons and sort by most popular, then download it. The theme also depends on the murrine and aurora GTK engines, just as elementary does. Also, for nautilus to look as it does in the screenshot you will need the latest elementary-nautilus.

I hope you all enjoy this refresh of Dan's current Elementary GTK theme until he polishes off his upcoming version. Cheers. :)


- Added breadcrumbs from Elementary-mod

Source(Elementary Refresh)
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 Nice :)

 by DanRabbit on: May 23 2010
Score 50%
elementaryos .org

You should pull from bzr (just to sync up my changes), apply your changes, and then propose a merge request ;)

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 Re: Nice :)

 by emilywind on: May 23 2010
Score 50%
Leading EDJE

I have done some hacking on the latest bzr update of elementary as well, but I am not quite as pleased with the changes there. From this particular changeset I think the only thing useful is the terminal colour scheme, but nonetheless I will come on IRC so we can chat more about things. lol

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 by mtax on: May 23 2010
Score 50%

Congratulations, this is the elementary modified gtk theme number You win nothing. As the community.

Ubuntu is an old African word, it means "I am a stupid shit, I don't know how to netinstall Debian"
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 Re: Congratulations

 by DanRabbit on: May 23 2010
Score 50%
elementaryos .org

Hey, be nice!

A lot of these changes, though subtle, are very very good. I've merged most of them in to trunk ;)

Just because there are a ton of other elementary mod themes, doesn't mean that there isn't a few gems out there.

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 Re: Congratulations

 by emilywind on: May 24 2010
Score 50%
Leading EDJE

The reason I released this is because someone did not have access to using bzr to get the latest version but wanted the smaller indicator applet icons from the it. I figured that Dan was much more worried about getting the latest Elementary theme up to par than making minor edits to the 1.1 release, so I modified the indicator applet widths and cleaned up some other of what I saw as loose ends.

As Dan said, the changes are subtle. That is because this is meant to be a clean up release of Elementary 1.1, hence "refresh." If you notice from my other contributions here, they are mostly clean ups of other works. That is not because I enjoy plagiarism or lack creativity, but because I pay extremely close attention to detail.

As for modifications of future elementary theme releases, I will be throwing ideas back and forth with the elementary team. My hopes are to use my acute attention to detail to help the elementary project directly from here on. Cheers. :)

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 The elemetary theme does not w

 by hantsy on: Jun 1 2010
Score 50%

The elementary theme can not be applied in my system.

My system is :
Fedaro 13 (i686)
Gtk engine I installed:

what is wrong.

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 Indicator Applet

 by ramisto on: Jul 1 2010
Score 50%

Raising this question here, as it looks like there is something wrong with the indicator applet.
Check the following screenshot:

This happens with the network manager and pulse manager when connecting to my machine with NXclient. When connecting locally this does not happen
Any ideas? Thx.

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 Re: Indicator Applet

 by ramisto on: Jul 1 2010
Score 50%

...one major omitted detail: i am using the latest elementary theme from Dan

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