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Divergence IV - "A New Hope"


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 76%
Divergence IV - "A New Hope"

Divergence IV - "A New Hope"

Divergence IV - "A New Hope"

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  146377
Submitted:  Oct 21 2010
Updated:  Nov 23 2010


Divergence IV - " A New Hope "
by jurialmunkey

Requires Murrine Engine > 0.98

The theme now has configuration tool. Many thanks to SkiesofAzel for the Orta configuration tool which I hacked apart. New Dark styles for tabs, scrollbars and progressbars. Lots of other tweaks. Firefox and Chrome themes coming soon!

Extract the .zip file
Double click "install.sh" and select "Run"
Follow the prompts

Please read the README file for more detailed instructions. Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. If you notice a bug or have a suggestion please leave a comment with a note about which configuration options you used.

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 Theming Tutorials

 by trollonrent on: Nov 27 2011
Score 50%

Also for any beginners out there, there's a very good set of tutorials on youtube. You might find it helpful. Check it out:

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 Gnome-Shell Version

 by BillyGalbreath1 on: Mar 30 2012
Score 50%

I've started a Gnome-Shell theme based on this.


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 GTK 3?

 by ThomasJazz on: Jul 20 2012
Score 50%

Is there any possibility that you will update this to GTK 3.x? I really like this theme but I can't use it because it's outdated.

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 by trustmaster on: Jul 26 2012
Score 50%

Just wanted to say that this is the best GTK2 theme ever made for my personal taste. It doesn't copy Windows or MacOS, it has its unique look and the quality is very high. Please keep it up!

I'm on XFCE4, so still able to use it with GTK2 and Emerald. But I would love to see a GTK3 port some day.

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 What program do i need to tweak the theme?

 by cdm89 on: Aug 4 2012
Score 50%

Hi all, sorry im a noob...what program do i need to tweak the theme? and how do you make the dock look like that!?
I installed gnome tweak tool but that doesnt seem to be working, i also have advance settings

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 dock and panel question

 by subvert on: Nov 29 2013
Score 50%

hey, love the theme but how do i get my dock and panel to look like that?!

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 Re: dock and panel question

 by PhotonX on: Dec 22 2013
Score 50%

This is AWN (Avant Window Navigator).

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