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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 67%


Link:  Link
Downloads:  2106
Submitted:  May 31 2009


Crono is a dark style for the Murrine engine based on Shiki-Colors http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Shiki-Colors?content=86717

3 color options - Blue, Green and Pink.

This theme requires the latest Murrine engine. (0.90.3+)
The panels use the pixbuf/pixmap engine.

Forms on some websites use the default widgets from the theme. This can be fixed by global or site-specific userstyles (CSS). Opera can use custom CSS files by default in site-preferences (or global). Firefox users need to install the Stylish add-on.

See another screenshot here for preview image information - http://lassekongo83.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-vbox-Desktop-2009-05-31-124307766
(Only difference here is the font UnDotum.)

(Chrono Dark Blue)
(Chrono Dark Green)
(Chrono Dark Pink)
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 Nice :)

 by johonunu on: May 31 2009
Score 50%
www.trifunov ic.me

Thank you very much !
This is very nice theme :)
Keep up the good work !

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 2 small issues

 by joshritger on: Jun 1 2009
Score 50%

I found 2 slight problems, one being the grippers at the side of a non expanded panel look very strange, and the second problem is that you can't have a panel larger than 24 pixels. The panel size may just be your choice, but the grippers defiantly should be looked at. Here is a screen of the panel with the gripper issue. http://joshritger.deviantart.com/art/Crono-issue-124377821

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 Re: 2 small issues

 by lassekongo83 on: Jun 1 2009
Score 50%

I'll see if I can create a smooth gradient without using a pixmap in the panel. As for the handlers I'm not sure why it doesn't use the transparent png that I use for the other handlers.

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 one of the best gtk ever seen!

 by brainvision on: Jun 5 2009
Score 50%

in my little and modest opinion, this is one of the best gtk ever seen before!
Simple, black and shining.. I definitely like it very very much (so much to comment and fave it here and on DA too!)..
and, last but not least, lassekongo is one of my preferred skinner/themer.. from when I used his visual styles on winzozz (and fbk2 panelsUI) 'till now that I'm passed to linux slackware (xfce DE)..
He fit all my art taste.. He is great!, and I'm very jealous of his capacities!!

bye, man, go on with your work!! I'll always be your fan!

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