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Comic Face Multisized


X11 Mouse Theme

Score 69%
Comic Face Multisized

Comic Face Multisized

Comic Face Multisized

Downloads:  2916
Submitted:  Nov 7 2013
Updated:  Apr 11 2014


Important: If you do not like or have trouble installing a multisized mouse theme like this one, you can download it as a six pack mouse themes. You can install the ones you like six. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=163469.
Thank you.


Since long ago, I wanted to make a comic X11 mouse theme, funny and entertaining. Also always had in my mind to do with ownership of multisizes. Although some people find it difficult topics in the installation of multisizes, but there is always the solution to offer them as a package in various sizes.

ComicFace is the name of my new mouse funny topic. Is multisizes 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 and 64 pixels. For me in particular I like the size of 24 pixels, it's great.

I have tested it in Cinnamon 2.0 with Muffin, KDE with Kwin, Xfce, Gnome 2.x, Gnome 3.x, Unity and it works great.

This theme You never will lose it sight. Cursor is looking well in dark backgrounds. If you find any errors, please let me know in the comments section.

If you don't know how to install a mouse theme with multi sized property, like this one, go to http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=164435, there you can see all instruccions for KDE, Cinnamon, and Xfce. You can use the Cinnamon instructions for Pantheon.

If you like it, please vote + Just click on score above.
Thanks in advance.


  • 2013 Nov v0.12 I changed the color of image stroke on half-busy and wait cursors. Now seems better.

  • 2013 Nov v0.10 Initial release.

  • LicenseLGPL
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     by SoloID on: Nov 7 2013
    Score 70%

    Hi Markitos,

    Your a busy guy :)

    pretty funny mouse theme

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     Re: Hi

     by markitos66 on: Nov 7 2013
    Score 63%

    It is true. It's really funny. Not my line of work, but apparently it looks good. I like this website because I can express my emotions.
    Thanks for the comment.

    Reply to this



     by janet on: Nov 20 2013
    Score 63%

    I like it a lot. It's not for every day usage though - at least for me, but it is very funny! Best used in biggest size :).

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