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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 53%

Link:  http://softygen.org
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  847
Submitted:  Jun 30 2009
Updated:  Jul 7 2009


This is a slight modification of the theme Continuum. I mixed parts of other engines, including things I like and so on...

Comment, critizise, vote, don\'t vote... But please, PLEASE... Ok, I forgot. ^^

You will need the following engines:
Murrine (svn) and Nodoka (looks better with Nodoka from git)


0.3-2 Fixed a little glitch with the Progressbars

0.3-1 Fixed metacity theme

0.3 (hopefully the final version):
- Changed metacity theme (Nimbus light)
- Removed rezlooks in favour of murrine
- Tooltip colour is configurable now.
- Fixed some glitches

- Included a metacity theme (Dust Blue)
- Changed Aurora engine in favour of Nodoka engine, which, IMO, has better looking frames
- Still have to make tooltip colour editable.

0.1-2 Fixed the colour of the Menubar in the Gnome Panel.

0.1-1 Removed engine Nodoka from the theme.

0.1 Theme is released.

No license for the gtkrc. The Nimbus metacity theme has it's own copyright (Thanks Sun)

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 window border?

 by CruelAngel on: Jul 1 2009
Score 50%

What kind of window border theme do you use?

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 Re: window border?

 by parkash on: Jul 1 2009
Score 50%

It's an emerald theme. Bump:

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 good work

 by brainvision on: Jul 1 2009
Score 50%

even if it's not a theme for my idea of desktop, I've to say that I like it very much.. I like it because it's clean but well designed.. clean but very eyes-candy.. a little bijou!, in my opinion..
so I've voted you good!.. very good!

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 Good Job and a little request

 by masand on: Jul 3 2009
Score 50%

Hi man,
good work.

Fine, light and easy to see.

Could you make a compact version of it for netbook?



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 Re: Good Job and a little request

 by parkash on: Jul 6 2009
Score 50%

I'll try and see what I can do :)

Can you send me screenshot to have a better idea of what I should change? (guru.parkash[at]gmail.com)

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 Re: Re: Good Job and a little request

 by masand on: Jul 6 2009
Score 50%

mmm It's hard for me take a screenshot of what I want...

In poor words:

Button smaller
Toolbar smaller
Less space between menu voices
... and so on...

I hope your understand my poor english :)

Thank you again for your work.

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 Re: Re: Re: Good Job and a little request

 by parkash on: Jul 6 2009
Score 50%

Of course it is!! Hahaha, I meant a screenshot of what you have. So I can see the problem. :P

But nevermind, I know what you mean... I'll try to get my hands to it this week :)

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Good Job and a little request

 by masand on: Jul 6 2009
Score 50%

I look forward for your work... :)

Thank you!! :)

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 Nice background and theme

 by emilywind on: Jul 8 2009
Score 50%
Leading EDJE

Dandy theme, but could I arse you for a link to your wallpaper? :3

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 Re: Nice background and theme

 by parkash on: Jul 8 2009
Score 50%



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