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Aurora Grey


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 59%
Aurora Grey

Aurora Grey

Aurora Grey

Downloads:  2643
Submitted:  Jun 24 2008
Updated:  Aug 30 2008


Requires Aurora and Clearlooks engines and Unity metacity theme

Help Wanted
- If anyone likes this theme and is any good with metacity, xfwm, or any other kind of window manager theming, I would like to have a windeco made for this theme. Contact me if you can help.

This theme is based on my KDE theme
Domino Flat Grey:

Theme with many shades of grey and a black panel.

Feel free to request changes to the theme, it's my first Gtk theme and I'm still learning.


- Virtually all icons are 16x16, and widgets have been shrunken apporpriately.

- Version called "Grey::Bluer" with a blue scrollbar (see screenshot 3)

- Theme now works correctly in Xfce
(Be sure to replace the regular
clock applet with the orage clock)
- Widgets are now less round
- Blue prelight is less intense

- Black panel now works correctly in Xfce

- Updated column header prelight
- Updated tab inactive and background colors

- I previously forgot to make the slider handles look more like buttons

- Scrollbars stand out more
- Inactive tabs more noticable
- Gradiented list headers instead of shiny

(Theme package)
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Other  Artwork  from SaikoBee
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 by pox on: Jul 4 2008
Score 50%

Absolutely stonking brilliant. ;)

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 color scroll bar

 by alexandrpunk on: Aug 9 2008
Score 50%

you can make one with colored scroll bars?
sorry for my poor english

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 Re: color scroll bar

 by SaikoBee on: Aug 19 2008
Score 50%

Here's your colored scrollbars version, tell me what you think

Don\'t you get it? If you die in Canada, you die in real life!
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 Re: Re: color scroll bar

 by alexandrpunk on: Aug 20 2008
Score 50%

thanks, but i can´t use it
this is the error

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 Re: Re: Re: color scroll bar

 by SaikoBee on: Aug 20 2008
Score 50%

Do you have the Aurora and Clearlooks engines installed?

And if you want the windeco, this is it

Don\'t you get it? If you die in Canada, you die in real life!
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: color scroll bar

 by alexandrpunk on: Aug 21 2008
Score 50%

thanks the aurora engine solve the problem

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