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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 56%



Downloads:  7190
Submitted:  Jul 20 2010
Updated:  Jul 21 2010


This is basically a modification on Ambiance II to incorporate Victory's awesome nautilus sidebar. Colors are modified also to stay true to the dist I'm using at the moment (ubuntu). Feel free to change the orange to green or blue or w/e depending on your dist. I have attached links to the awesome Ambiance II theme and Victory out of respect and credits included in gtkrc to the respective authors.

(Ambiance II metacity included)

Any suggestions or pointers to improve this theme combination are welcomed.

If anyone also wants my conky script or the docky skin I'm using I'm willing to upload that as well upon request.

System font used is Neotech.

If you are the author of this wallpaper notify me and I'll link to your artwork.

If you have nautilus elementary installed rename the folder nautilus (elementary) to nautilus to use the breadcrumbs effect.

Criticize gently :P


1- Wallpaper added
2- Docky skin added to Ambiance III

(Ambiantastic (Ambiance III)+Docky)
(Ambiance II)
(Victory (Strikes Again))
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Other  Artwork  from swordjr
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 by dotNet on: Jul 21 2010
Score 50%

Does this GTK work elsewhere :D Cos it's not rendering at all on my Debian :)
I have pretty much all standard engines installed. And Ubuntu's actual Ambiance works fine.

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 Re: ...

 by swordjr on: Jul 21 2010
Score 50%

More details could help me identify the problem you're having.

This theme only requires murrine engine. Make sure you have the latest gtk2-engines-murrine package installed.

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 Re: Re: ...

 by dotNet on: Jul 21 2010
Score 50%

Thanks, and apologies. Since all my other themes that require "latest git" worked, I assumed I had the latest installed. Obviously not, I have it now, theme works, great job!

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 Re: Re: Re: ...

 by swordjr on: Jul 21 2010
Score 50%

Thank you:)

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 The name's spot on

 by fannymites on: Jul 22 2010
Score 50%

There have been so many variants on the ambiance/radiance themes but this is far and away the best I've seen.

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 Re: The name's spot on

 by fannymites on: Jul 22 2010
Score 50%

For some reason I don't get the dark nautilus window background

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 Re: Re: The name's spot on

 by swordjr on: Jul 22 2010
Score 50%

I appreciate your comment. Thank you.

To enable the background in nautilus open a nautilus window then click Edit/Background & Emblems
Choose the color button on the left hand side.
Scroll down to Onyx color and drag it onto your nautilus window.
You may also notice there is an "Add a new color" option. You can probably figure it out once you click it to add more shades that suit you.

Hope this helps.

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 Re: Re: Re: The name's spot on

 by fannymites on: Jul 22 2010
Score 50%

Yes, I realised shortly after posting.
Thought it was meant to be part of the theme but lookin good now.

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 this is soo very...

 by Ahmose on: Jul 24 2010
Score 50%

siiik! great job mate! thanks! i love it <3

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 by frriction on: Jul 24 2010
Score 50%

wallpaper is awesome

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